Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to all my followers in the past years. We just reached the 27 000 page views. Thanks!!!

After trying out some panography I´m going to poste more street photography now! I just love it!   This is a picture of the train station of Katovice.

Like a dream

Fresh energy

Rebelion against the Mouse. This typewriter has decided to fight against the power of modern media.

Occupied Tramway

Medias Getting Trendy

The following three pictures are a demonstration of the frustrated analog medias against digital.

1. A cassette taking his every morning breakfast.

2. Filmrolls play wiht a digital camera showing themselves as being on the beach.  As they are almost not                    needed  anymore they try to understand digital cameras to get to the newest trend.


A cassettes breakfest

Filmrolls faking holidays